The purpose of this policy is to clearly lay out IT Possible
support policies and procedures so that all customers have a clear
understanding what can be expected of us and what we expect of you,
our valued customer. We ask that every customer read these policies
and familiarize themselves with them. We look forward to providing
quality support for all your hosting needs.
IT Possible
will provide priority technical support services to the Customer for
provided Services, subject to the terms of the Agreement. Technical
support services are available during the vast majority of the day
with a ticket resolved response time of 1-3 hours and a max resolve
time of 6 hours attempted under most circumstances. There will be
times when this is not possible and IT Possible does not take responsibility for this.
All technical support issues are handled solely via
our online ticketing system. Technical support LEVEL 1 is available
via telephone. We limit our technical support services to our area
of expertise. We provide support solely for issues directly related
to the physical functioning of your account. In all cases,
assistance with coding, programming, or third-party programs is not
covered by our free technical support.
IT Possible
request that you maintain current contact information in your client
area. If you do not keep your contact information in your client area
updated you will not receive support from IT Possible. Also you will not receive any announcements about system changes and upgrades that may directly affect your account.
1. How do I identify myself and my account?
Please include your first and last name and your
account id (username) when contacting support for whatever reason.
You will need to send the mail from the account that is listed as
either the primary, secondary (off-server) or the 3 authorised support
email contacts in your client area. If any support requests are
received from an email account not listed in your client area the
request will go unanswered and will be closed automatically.
2. What should I include in my request for support?
When you are experiencing an error with one of the services provided by IT Possible, you need to include a copy of the exact error message that you received when accessing/using the service.
You may find it useful when describing your problem, to
take a screen shot that illustrates the problem you are experiencing
and send it to us. Similarly
and if relevant, please tell us the nature of any error messages
that you encounter on screen together with details of what you were
doing at the time the error occurred.
If you did not receive an error message, then a
complete description of the error including the time of the
occurrence will suffice. The support staff will then attempt to
recreate the error using your description, so please be as detailed
as you can about the error.
The more information you call tell us, the quicker we can resolve your issue.
3. Who can make changes to my web hosting account?
If someone contacts
and wants administrative actions done to your account, then privileges
are recognized for each person listed in the contact information in
your client area. Outside of the people listed in your client area no
one else from your organization can exercise administrative
privileges. Certain administrative requests are restricted and will only
be accepted if it is from the Primary or Secondary (off-server) email
4. What do I do if I have lost or forgotten my administrative password?
Send mail to
requesting the account password. In your request please include your
account username and be sure to send your email from the email
address that you have listed in the contact information in your
client area. If you have not updated the contact information in your
client area it is more difficult to verify who the administrator
for the account is. IT Possible
will then attempt to verify the account administrator based on the
registrar records for the domain name associated with the hosted
Support Tickets
This is our primary support system. We require that you submit a support ticket if you require assistance from IT Possible
for technical support related queries, as this allows your query to
be tracked, documented (which is also required before we make
account modifications) and will allow multiple staff members, from
different shifts to resolve your issue(s).
Please do not submit multiple tickets about the same problem
as that simply creates confusion. If you need to add information to
an existing ticket, please do so in the existing ticket by logging
into the support system or by replying to the ticket email.
Should you have a question, we first advise you to
check out the support area and knowledge base to see if your question
can be answered by reading our documentation. If you cannot find an
answer in the support area please submit your support request via
our support ticket system and one of our technical administrators
will respond as soon as possible.
All support requests that are received are placed in a
queue and are generally handled on a first-come first-served basis.
Support tickets that require server modifications,
extensive work to be performed, further testing / research to be
performed will be scheduled for resolution at off-peak times,
usually on the weekend, depending on our support team’s workload and
the type of work required.
Increased response and resolution delays may be
experienced in times of increased workload, peak times, server wide
issues, or where your ticket requires escalation/clarification
to/from other departments.
- Tickets: 24 hours, 7 days a week.
This is the initial
support level responsible for basic customer issues. It is synonymous
with first-line support denoting basic level technical support
functions. The first job of a LEVEL 1 specialist is to gather the
customer’s information and to determine the customer’s issue by
analysing the symptoms and figuring out the underlying problem. When
analysing the symptoms, it is important for the technician to identify
what the customer is trying to accomplish so that time is not wasted
on “attempting to solve a symptom instead of a problem.” Once
identification of the underlying problem is established, the
specialist can begin sorting through the possible solutions available.
Technical support specialists in this group typically handle
straightforward and simple problems. This includes troubleshooting
methods such as verifying physical layer issues, resolving username
and password problems, uninstalling/reinstalling basic software
applications, verification of proper hardware and software set up, and
assistance with navigating around application menus. Staff at this
level have a basic to general understanding of the product or service
and may not always contain the competency required for solving
complex issues. Nevertheless, the goal for this group is to handle
70%-80% of the customer's problems before finding it necessary to
escalate the issue to a higher level.
Our servers are
constantly monitored to ensure that they are running smoothly and
their connection to the internet is being maintained. If a server or
services become unavailable or lose connectivity to the internet, we
are immediately paged and we are usually working on a solution
before users are even aware of a problem. Please see our server status page and maintenance notice board for any current/previous known issues with our servers.
In order to serve you better and give you access to support 24 hours a
day, 365 days a year, we have instituted an emergency support
voicemail box. This can be accessed in emergencies by calling into
our phone system. An emergency is defined as a website or server
that is actively down and after extensive troubleshooting, has been
determined to most likely be a problem on our end.
We ask that you
only use this option in the most extreme cases as this will page a
number of system administrators. All other support options MUST be pursued before using this option.
We also ask that if your website is having problems, you make sure
to test it from different computers and computer networks first to
make sure the problem is not on your end.
Abuse of the emergency support system will not be tolerated.
There are certain
features such as CGI, ASP, ODBC, SSI, .NET Framework, PHP, MYSQL, etc.
that we provide to our customers. However, due to the complex nature
of supporting such services, we are unable to support users in
learning how to use such features. We will verify that the settings
are correct on our end, but to help users correctly set up their own
files, we must charge a fee based on professional rates. In this
document, we wish to clarify what issues shall receive free
technical support (general issues) and which shall be charged for
(advanced support). We make great effort to provide a fast turn-around
on support for all general support issues. The time frame for
advanced support will vary depending upon the complexity of the
issue. If you have any confusion as to what issues would fall into
the general support category and which would have a charge, please
e-mail . We have outlined below several
examples of general support issues and some advanced support issues:
General support issues [no charge]
You may obtain free technical support on issues similar to the following by emailing .
- Problems logging into an account. [Password set-up incorrectly, ftp login incorrect, etc.]
- Problems uploading files due to server issues [permissions incorrect].
- System configuration problems caused by us.
- Web site not loading due to errors on our part.
- E-mail accounts not functioning.
- Assistance with basic operation of
your hosting control panel.We have tutorial movies available which
demonstrate how to use your control panel. The control panel manuals
are also provided on these pages.
Information regarding the
required paths or availability of services to run applications or
scripting you wish to install.Server based problems or errors with
server services: FTP, Telnet, HTTP, SMTP, POP, MySQL, MS SQL, et
- Modification of your domain name DNS (name server) settings.
- Installation assistance with
included CMS and related applications. This does
not include setting up, configuration, customisation and ongoing use
of the application. Please see the software creator’s web site for
support resources
Clean up or re-installation of an account
The cost of cleaning up or re-installing an account is
R112.00. If you wish to start from scratch, we will delete and re-create your account for this fee.
Advanced support [R380.00 per hour]
Technical assistance with any user-supplied C#,
VB.NET, ASP, ASPX pages, PHP, etc., is not included in the 'general
support' category. If you require assistance with your web site
development including setting up or debugging an ASP or an ASP.NET
program we will provide it at the rate of R340.00 an hour, billed a
minimum of 15 minutes in advance as our time allows. If the error was
found to stem from incorrect system settings (caused by
IT Possible), the fee will be waived. Services falling under this category would include:
- Web site development
- Re-coding html to reduce file size
- Making image files smaller in file size
- Setup or configuration of services not provided as a part of your web hosting.
- Setup or configuration of modules/components not currently operational or modification of existing modules/components on IT Possible servers.
- Setup and configuration of mailing lists and autoresponders for your use.
- Modification to your existing web site, scripts, forms, applications, etc.
Installation, maintenance, editing, resolving issues and upgrades of your installed scripts, web site, applications, etc.
- Trouble shooting problems or conflicts with your ISP (connection) services and setup.
- Trouble shooting problems or errors with your web site not related to server performance.
- Repeated assistance in setup of your email application.
- Repeated assistance with the same issue once initially resolved or task completed.
- Trouble shooting problems not directly related to your current products/services with IT Possible.
- Technical support with user C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, PHP, etc.
Note: We do not offer
support with CGI or Perl scripts or applications. We highly
recommend that you take advantage of the extensive resources available
on the Internet for help with learning the trade.
We strive to provide
you with courteous, professional, and technically accurate support.
Although we understand how frustrating technical problems can be,
we ask that you treat us with respect and we will do the same in
return. Our ultimate goals are the same, providing you with accurate
support in a timely manner.
If you feel you have been treated unfairly or have any other complaints, you may contact to reach a supervisor directly.
We may update this support policy from time to
time without notice to you. Please check our web site for the most
current version of the support policy. The newest version of the
support policy takes effect immediately.
This support policy does not apply to dedicated servers, please see our dedicated server support policy.